Fundraising - Aust Sports Foundation

Biathlon across eastern Australia is growing and the organisations who are part of Biathlon East Australia (BEA) want to support their members who are training and competing in Australia and Overseas or simply want to be part of the fabulous sport of biathlon!

As we grow, new equipment is needed including upgrading and acquiring new laser systems, summer roller-skis, boots and poles, biathlon mats and signs, tables, banners. This equipment benefits both new members who can try biathlon without initially purchasing equipment and for current members we can hold better equipment events and support our volulnteer officials. 

For our pathway athletes, who are traveling and competing in Australia and overseas donations held support them by contributing to their expenses include accommodation, airfares, ground transportation and equipment.


Projects for Organisations

BEA has 3 projects registered with the Australian Sports Foundaton (ASF) which enables donations of $2 or over to be tax deductible.

Click here for more information about BEA's Laser Biathlon and Equipment Project. 

Click here for more information about BEA's Training and Racing in Australia Project.

Click here for more information about BEA's Training and Racing Overseas Project.

Relatives and Associates of benefiting athletes are also able to make donations to Australian and Overseas team tour expenses subject to approved guidelines and limits.


Projects for Indiviudal Athletes 

Subject to approval from ASF, individual athletes are able to register projects which for which donations are tax deductable. 

Click here for information about Darcie Morton's tax deductible project

Click here for information about Phoenix Sparke's tax deductible project

Click here for information about Chilli Sparke's tax deductible project


If you would like to support Biathlon in East Australia's athletes and its programs, please consider making an ASF donation. Your donation can be made on-line directly to the ASF and a receipt will be provided for taxation purposes.