Festival of Biathlon Weekend
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
Festival of Biathlon Weekend
A Festival of Biathlon weekend is being held.
Biathlon activties will be held across the weekend to showcase biathlon in NSW. Activties will include C&T Biathlon, laser biathlon training session including fun relays and the NSWACT Laser Biathlon State Championships.
The Festival of Biathlon will be held with adherence to State Government requirements for Community Sport in NSW.
If you are ill or have flu-like symptions, please do not attend.
If the event of the XC trails being non-operational, a dry-land program for the Festival of Biathlon will operate.
Saturday 9th July
9.00 - 10.30am: Laser biathlon training session and fun relays
11.00 - 12noon: Come and Try Biathlon (and enter a race on Sunday - see below)
1.30 - 2.30pm: Official training NSWACT Laser Biathlon State Championships
Sunday 10th July
9.30am: NSWACT Laser Biathlon State Championships
The NSWACT Laser Biathlon State Championships will include an opportunity for those who tried biathlon the day before or previously, to enter a race. Please choose the 1st Time Racer category.
NOTE: Exact starting times will be confirmed in the week of the events.
Equipment Required: skate skis and poles are required to attend Festival of Biathlon activities.
Laser biathlon equipment will be provided.
Equipment Hire
Participants at the Festival of Biathlon weekend can hire their equipment through Wilderness Sport using the NSW Biathlon discount code. Download the information below.
Come and Try Biathlon: No cost
Laser Biathlon Training Session and Fun Relays: $40
Official Training: No cost to NSWACT Laser Biathlon State Championships entrants (part of NSWACT State Championships entry fee).
Please register and make payment (where applicable) for the sessions you would like to attend.
Click here to enter the NSWACT Laser Biathlon Championships