
2021 ACT Summer Laser Biathlon Sprint Championships

Published Sun 18 Apr 2021

The event was held under sunny skies, supported by a committed group of athletes, parents and supporters. It was a major milestone for Biathlon ACT and thanks must go to Stromlo Forest Park for hosting the event and our ever-growing  and committed group of biathlon parents who counted  target penalties, loop penalties and undertook the roles of start and finish officials.

Entries were divided into Secondary and Primary Divisions and run as mixed genders, to encourage good competition with an emphasis on the importance of accurate shooting, as well as fast skiing.

As part of the event, awards were given for the best shooting average and lowest average racing times, across the 3 events that were held.

The format was similar to a Super Sprint which involves a time-trail and then a mass start sprint. For the event, two mass start sprints where held after the time trial to encourage participation and challenging yourself to improve. The 1st mass start involved two shoots and 3 loops and the 2nd involved 4 shoots and 5 loops.  In all cases, the athletes were required to shoot prone-on-prone targets and secondary athletes shot prone and standing positions.  Our primary athletes were remarkably accurate with their prone-on-prone, and were able to slow down their approaches to the Range and shooting timing to ensure accuracy and less penalty loops.


The events were great fun, short and energetic with the athletes supporting and encouraging each other across the divisions.  

Results were:

Junior Division

Time Trial                                          Accurate Shooting                          Lowest Combined Times

1st           Ben Wichgers                       Nicola Gardner                                   Ben Wichgers

2nd          TJ Bradford

3rd          Nicola Gardner

Secondary Division

Time Trial                                          Accurate Shooting                          Lowest Combined Times

1st           Jack Hirst                             Rhiannon Castle                                  Rhiannon Castle

2nd          Olivia Schubert

3rd          Rhiannon Castle  

Click here for full results

Well done to all who took part and we look forward to the ACT Summer Laser Biathlon Sprint Championships becoming a major event on the Australian biathlon calendar!
