

NSW Biathlon Associaiton is part of the Biathlon in East Australia group of Clubs and Associations adopts the policies of Biathlon East Australia and its own NSW Biathlon policies. 

These policies protect our members, athletes and stakeholders  and set out how we manage risk, support our Volunteers and provide a process for concerns to be raised.  

The Policies include:

Members Protection Policy

Anti-Doping Policy

Risk Management Policy

Work, Health and Safety Policy

SunSafe Policy 

Volunteer Policy 

The rules under which NSW Biathlon operate is called its Constitution. 

CLICK HERE to view NSW Biathlon's Constitution 

Working with Children Check 

Child protection is about keeping children and young people safe from abuse and protecting them from people who are unsuitable to work with children. All children have a right to be safe when participating in sport and recreation activities. 

In NSW, Working with Children Check (WWCC) laws aim to prevent people who pose a threat from working with children as paid employees or volunteers. 

Those who volunteer and work for NSW Biathlon are required to be cleared to work with children. 

Click here to learn more about how WWCC in NSW keeps children who participate in sport safe.